Tash Blake is a rising star in the music industry, known for her powerful vocals and authentic lyrics. Her music is a reflection of her personal experiences, with a focus on empowerment and self-discovery. In this interview, we will delve deeper into the mind of Tash Blake, exploring what makes her an artist and the inspiration behind her latest work. From her early beginnings to her current success, we will uncover the story of Tash Blake and what sets her apart in the world of music.
BR Hello Tash Blake! Thank you for giving us your time for an interview. I am thrilled to have you as my first guest on Jig! I am a fan of your work, and your unique musical style. You have captured the attention of pop and dance music lovers, and I am excited to learn more about you.
TB Thank you so much for the interview!
BR What inspired you to pursue a career in music?
TB Music has always been such an important part of my life — I love music from many genres and many generations of musicians. I was always performing in musicals and choir growing up. Once I turned 15, I knew that I needed to write, and I needed to sing. Music is my passion and my biggest outlet.
BR How would you describe your music style?
TB I would say that my music style is a mixture of dance, pop, darkness, grit, glitter, and love.
BR What is your creative process like when writing songs?
TB When I am writing a song, I have a few different approaches to the creative process. All day and night, ideas come to me and I’ll voice memo them and start writing lyrics right away. When I am in the studio, I just let it flow out naturally. I tend to be inspired by my own life experiences, dreams, feelings, and movies.
BR You've been compared to artists like Madonna, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears. Who are some of your biggest musical influences?
TB All three of those artists are huge inspirations for me. Some others include Nirvana, due to Kurt’s unapologetic attitude in his music, Miley Cyrus, because of her ability to be completely herself, Lana Del Rey, for her storytelling and her way of transporting you, and Halsey because of her complex lyrics.
BR What message do you hope to convey through your music?
TB Growing up, I always gravitated towards music that made me feel like I was powerful and strong. Some days, I still need to remember that. The message in my music is not only a reminder to myself of my worth, but also a statement to others that they can be whoever and whatever they want to be and should feel empowered to do so!
BR What has been the biggest challenge you've faced in your career so far?
TB This industry can be complicated and messy and it’s essential to find the right people to work with who have the same passion, drive, and values as you do. It took me a minute, but once you find those people, embrace them.
BR What are your plans for the future?
TB I have so many plans for the future that I can hardly sleep at night because I’m so excited! I’ll be performing live this summer which is going to be so much fun! I also will be releasing my debut E.P. later this year. I can’t wait for everyone to hear it.
BR What advice would you give to aspiring musicians?
TB My advice would be to try your very best to never compare yourself or your music to anyone and just live truthfully as you are. It can be daunting creating from such an intimate place, but your uniqueness is what matters most in the end.

As we wrap up this interview, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to Tash Blake for taking the time to chat with me today. It has been an absolute pleasure to learn more about her journey and creative process. For those who want to check out her music, be sure to listen to her singles "Mannequin," "So Bad Together," and her latest release, "Inject Me," all of which are available on various streaming platforms. Check out her latest video for "Inject Me" as well as her website for all the latest below! Thank you again, Tash, and we look forward to hearing more from you in the future!
Brian Richards
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Excellent! Looking forward to hearing more from her!